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Displaying cheats for Game Boy Pokémon Red/Blue

99 of any item that you can get more than two of
Put the item that you want to have 99 of in 6th position. Go to the man in the top-left corner of Veridian City say you're not in a hurry, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf up and down to the right of the gym until you see a wild Missingno and kill it. Go onto the land and check in your items, it should have 99. It may come up with a blur with a 9.
Another way to get 99 items
Talk to the old man in veridian city, say no FLY to Fuschia city go south to the coast take a left until the wall surf follow the wall on the left of the screen go up and down the coast of the island without getting off your Pokemon
Submitted by Garr
Catch Safari pokemon in the wild!!!
Go to the safari zone and enter to the tall grass in the safari zone. Find a pokemon and run!
Then leave and return Safari balls.
Step out side into fushia city and dont take any steps and fly to Cinnabar Island and walktothe east coast and swim up and down the part that you are half on land. and half on water.
You will start catching safari pokemon without those weak safari balls and use diffrent pokeballs.You can battale them also!!
Submitted by Doomsday
Cut down the grass
Use a pokemon with cut to cut out a 4x4 squre of grass. Usefull when you don't want to fight a wild pokemon.
Submitted by poke-master
easy ditto
take a magikarp below level 15, now go find a ditto, put magikarp in the front, ditto will then transform into the magikarp, from there just put another pokémon out and weaken the ditto, presto, ditto catching made easy
Submitted by Realm
Fish in statues
Some statues let you fish in them. The ones in Misty's gym work best.
Submitted by Pokecheater
flying kangaskhan
do the inifinite item trick. make sure you have one rare candy (at least) and one spot open for the pokemon. next on the way to find m or missingno. you want to get the m. use fly on it then give it the rare candy and it will say that m has evolved into kangaskhan.
Submitted by Gareth333
Get 1 million items of any thing that says x1 beside it.
Go to the guy that shows you how to catch pokemon in Viridian city talk to him Fly to Cinnabar Island Surf on the right side of the gymand find missingno fight it or run away and you'll have 1 million of any item with x1
Tip; the item has to be in the sixth place in your items.
Submitted by Panther
Get free Casino coins.
Go to Game Corner stand in back of people playing and press A button on your gameboy but don't talk to them and you'll get coins. But it won't work for all the people.
Submitted by chadomon
More powerful attack
While you are attacking hold down the A button and your attack will be more powerful. This works on the other pokemon but in reverse (The pokemon does less damage to you).
Submitted by Pokecheater
Phantom Guy
Swim up from the water on Cinnabar Island, so you will be right in front of the gym and make sure you dont have the key to the gym. You will see a weird guy on the roof.
Submitted by Ash
Phantom PC
Go to the city with the BIG pokemon department store (Celedon). Then go to the Hotel which is about the same size as a Pokemon center inside. Go to the far right wall. Push A where a computer would be in a normal pokecenter. You'll log onto a normal computer but there isn't really one there.
Submitted by poke-master
Pokémon Duplication
When trading with a partner, go into the Trade center in the Cable Club and trade pokemon. The one with the good pokemon will wait. Before it says 'Trade Completed' and after 'Waiting...', on the blank screen, turn the game with the good pokemon off. Partner then turns his off and they both turn GameBoys back on at the same time.
Submitted by HankChill
Stand on a tree
Cut a tree then save. After you save you must turn the power off. Turn the power back on immediately then you will be standing on the tree.
Submitted by Fira
The Return of the St. Anne
(You need HM 06 [Nickname?] item)
Go to Vermilion City, and surf to the barrier next to the dock. Use the Hm 06 trick to pass through the barrier, and once you pass through it you should not see the St. Anne. Once you get through the barrier, and then get on dock (one step down from the barrier). Go up, but you should not be able to because of an invisible barrier. Use the HM 06 trick again to get through that barrier and keep going up, while you are still invisible, until you get an overhead view of you and the St. Anne.
Note: When you want to get back on St. Anne you have to use this trick again because the ticket person will say, "The ship has sailed," and he will not let you through. This code does work because I did test myself.
Submitted by M1_NICK
This code lets you catch pokemon safari pokemon outside of the safari zone.
Go into the safari zone. walk around in the area your pokemon is in keep walking around until your time is up. then fly to cinnabar island and surf up and down the right hand shore until your pokemon appears.
Submitted by code bank
To Get Pokemon 'M'
Go to Viridian City talk to the guy who said he just had his coffee, then fly to Cinnabar Island and surf on the right side of the gym.
Submitted by knuckles
Game Genie codes
Buy Master Balls at the Cinnabar Island Pokémon Mart for FREE
Submitted by pokemaniac
Fight any Pokemon. Used before Cerulean City and after Mt. Moon. Replace xx with one the following:

94:Abra, AB:Aerodactyl, 95:Alakazam, 2D:Arbok, 14:Arcaninel, 4A:Articuno, 72:Beedrill, BC:Bellsprou, 1C:Blastoise, 99:Bulbasaur, 7D:Butterfree, 7B:Caterpie, 28:Chansey, B4:Charizard, B0:Charmander, B2:Charmeleon, 8E:Clefable, 04:Clefairy, 8B:Cloyster, 11:Cubone, 78:Dewgong, 3B:Diglett, 4C:Ditto, 46:Doduo, 59:Dragonair, 42:Dragonite, 58:Dratini, 30:Drowzee, 76:Dugtrios, 66:Eevee, 6C:Ekans, 35:Electabuzz, 8D:Electrode, 0C:Exeggcute, 0A:Exeggutor, 40:Farfetch'd, 23:Fearow, 67:Flareon, 19:Gastly, 0E:Gengar, A9:Geodude, BA:Gloom, 82:Golbat, 80:Goldduck, 9D:Goldeen, 31:Golem, 27:Graveler, 0D:Grimer, 21:Growlithe, 16:Gyarados, 93:Haunter, 2C:Hitmonchan, 2B:Hitmonlee, 5C:HorSea, 81:Hypno, 09:Ivysaur, 64:Jigglypuff, 68:Jolteon, 48:Jynx, 5A:Kabuto, 5B:Kabutops, 26:Kadabra, 71:Kakuna, 02:Kangaskhan, 8A:Kingler, 37:Koffing, 4E:Krabby, 13:Lapras, 0B:Lickitung, 7E:Machamp, 29:Machoke, 6A:Machop, 85:Magikarp, 33:Magmar, AD:Magnemite, 36:Magneton, 39:Mankey, 91:Marowak, 4D:Meowth, 7C:Metapod, 15:Mew, 83:Mewtwo, 49:Moltres, 2A:Mr.Mime, 88:Muk, 07:NidoKing, 10:NidoQueen, 0F:Nidoran(f), 03:Nidoran(m), A8:Nindorina, A7:Nindorino, 53:Ninetales, B9:Oddish, 62:Omanyte, 63:Omastar, 22:Onix, 6D:Paras, 2E:Parasect, 90:Persian, 97:Pidgeot, 96:Pidgeotto, 24:Pidgey, 54:Pikachu, 1D:Pinsir, 47:Poliwag, 6E:Poliwhirl, 6F:Poliwrath, A3:Ponyta, AA:Porygon, 75:Primeape, 2F:Psyduck, 55:Raichu, A4:Rapidash, A6:Raticate, A5:Rattata, 01:Rhydon, 12:Rhyhorn, 60:Sandshrew, 61:Sandslash, 1A:Scyther, 5D:SeaDra, 9E:Seaking, 3A:Seel, 17:Shellder, 08:Slobro, 25:Slowpoke, 84:Snorlax, 05:Spearow, B1:Squirtle, 98:Starmie, 1B:Staryu, 1E:Tangela, 3C:Tauros, 18:Tentacool, 9B:Tentacruel, 74:Triplebird, 69:Vaporeon, 77:Venomoth, 41:Venonat, 9A:Venusaur, BE:Victreebell, BB:Vileplume, 06:Voltorb, 52:Vulpix, B3:Wartortle, 70:Weedle, BD:Weepinbell, 8F:Weezing, 65:Wigglytuff, 4B:Zapdos, 6B:Zubat
Submitted by Doomsday the 2nd
Infinite Health for Player 1.
Submitted by HaloBoy
Lets you buy anything from any shop if you have the money. Each town has different codes. Replace xx with one of the following:

0B Antidote, 0E Awakening, 0C Burn Heal, 27 Calcium, 26 Carbos, 3B Coin, 3A Dire Hit, 52 Elixer, 1D Escape Rope, 50 Ether, 4B Exp. All, 20 FireStone, 3C Fresh Water, 10 Full Restore, 34 Full Heal, 37 Gaurd Spec, 03 Great Ball, 23 HP Up, 12 Hyper Potion, 0D Ice Heal, 25 Iron, 2F Leaf Stone, 3E Lemonade, 01 Master Ball, 11 Max Potion, 36 Max Revive, 39 Max Repel, 51 Max Ether, 53 Max Elixer, 0A Moon Stone, 31 Nugget, 32 PP UP, 4F PP Up, 0F Parlyz Heal, 04 PokéBall, 33 PokéDoll, 14 Potion, 24 Protein, 28 Rare Candy, 1E Repel, 35 Revive, 3D Soda Pop, 13 Super Potion, 38 Super Repel, 21 ThunderStone, 02 Ultra Ball, 22 WaterStone, 2E X Accuracy, 41 X Attack, 42 X Defend, 43 X Speed, 44 X Special
Submitted by jeff bouressa
The guard in front of the S.S. Anne will disappear.
Submitted by JasonSilv
Game Shark codes
Submitted by stab
All of your pokémon invulnerable
Submitted by Gastly
Always have 999999 Money
Submitted by Bronto
attack multiple times in a row
Submitted by mouseman
Buy anything from any pokemart. Items will show up as the first item on the store menu. Items still cost money so use the $999999 code.
00 - ?????
01 - Master Ball
02 - Ultra Ball
03 - Great Ball
04 - Pokè Ball
05 - Town Map
06 - Vicycle
07 - Surf Without Pokèmon
08 - Safari Ball
09 - Pokè-Dex
0A - Moon Stone
0B - Antidote
0C - Burn Heal
0D - Ice Heal
0E - Awakening
0F - Parlyz Heal
10 - Full Restore
11 - Max Potion
12 - Hyper Potion
13 - Super Potion
14 - Potion
15 - Boulder Badge
16 - Cacade Badge
17 - Thunder Badge
18 - Rainbow Badge
19 - Soul Badge
1A - Marsh Badge
1B - Volcano Badge
1C - Earth Badge
1D - Escape Rope
1E - Repel
1F - Old Amber
20 - Fire Stone
21 - Thunder Stone
22 - Water Stone
23 - HP Up
24 - Protein
25 - Iron
26 - Carbos
27 - Calcium
28 - Rare Candy
29 - Dome Fossil
2A - Helix Fossil
2B - Secret Key
2C - ?????
2D - Bike Voucher
2E - X Accuracy
2F - Leaf Stone
30 - Card Key
31 - Nugget
32 - PP Up
33 - Pokè Doll
34 - Full Heal
35 - Revive
36 - Max Revive
37 - Grand Special
38 - Super Repel
39 - Max Repel
3A - Dire Hit
3B - Coin
3C - Fresh Water
3D - Soda Pop
3E - Lemonade
3F - S.S. Ticket
40 - Gold Teeth
41 - X Attack
42 - X Defend
43 - X Speed
44 - X Special
45 - Coin Case
46 - Oak's Parcel
47 - Item Finder
48 - Silph Scope
49 - Pokè Flute
4A - Lift Key
4B - Exp. All
4C - Old Rod
4D - Good Rod
4E - Super Rod
4F - PP Up
50 - Ether
51 - Max Ether
52 - Elixer
53 - Max Elixer
54 - b2f
Submitted by poke-master
Buy Master Balls at any pokemart for free
Submitted by Buzz99
Buy TMs 50-55 at any shop!

FA-TM 50
FB-TM 51
FC-TM 52
FD-TM 53
FE-TM 54
Submitted by Manny2000
Catch a Mew (Pokémon 151) in the grassy area between Mt. Moon and Cerulean City
Submitted by pokemaniac
Catch any pokemon and fight any trainer in any version. Works in any grassy area. When you fight a trainer (even elite four) you will fight that pokemon instead of the trainer and can catch it. If you use the trainer codes you can fight that trainer either in the grass or when you fight a trainer. The game crashes when he sends out his first pokemon. When you use the Gary codes his name will be whatever you called him at the start of the game.

---Trainer codes--
c8-glitch, a missingnumber like pokemon shows up and it says "wants to fight" without a trainer name
ca-bug catcher
d0-super nerd
d1-funny glitch, you fight a hiker thatsends out a missingnumber like pokemon with the happy music that you hear at the end of a fight instead of the normal fight musicyou can fight him without the game crashing.

d8-cue ball
e2-prof oak
anything higher crashes the game

--pokemon codes--

99 Bulbasaur ! 09 Ivysaur ! 9A Venusaur ! B0 Charmander
B2 Charmeleon! B4 Charizard ! B1 Squirtle ! B3 Wartortle
1C Blastoise ! 7B Caterpie ! 7C Metapod ! 7D Butterfree
70 Weedle ! 71 Kakuna ! 72 Beedrill ! 24 Pidgey
96 Pidgeotto ! 97 Pidgeot ! A5 Rattata ! A6 Raticate
05 Spearow ! 23 Frearow ! 6C Ekans ! 2D Arbok
54 Pikachu ! 55 Raichu ! 60 Sandshrew ! 61 Sandslash
0F Nidoran(f)! A8 Nindorina ! 10 NidoQueen ! 03 Nidoran(m)
A7 Nindorino ! 07 NidoKing ! 04 Clefairy ! 8E Clefable
52 Vulpix ! 53 Ninetales ! 64 Jigglypuff ! 65 Wigglytuff
6B Zubat ! 82 Golbat ! B9 Oddish ! BA Gloom
BB Vileplume ! 6D Paras ! 2E Parasect ! 41 Venonat
77 Venomoth ! 3B Diglett ! 76 Dugtrios ! 4D Meowth
90 Persian ! 2F Psyduck ! 80 Goldduck ! 39 Mankey
75 Primeape ! 21 Growlithe ! 14 Arcaninel ! 47 Poliwag
6E Poliwhirl ! 6F Poliwrath ! 94 Abra ! 26 Kadabra
95 Alakazam ! 6A Machop ! 29 Machoke ! 7E Machamp
BC Bellsprou ! BD Weepinbell! BE Victreebell! 18 Tentacool
9B Tentacruel! A9 Geodude ! 27 Graveler ! 31 Golem
A3 Ponyta ! A4 Rapidash ! 25 Slowpoke ! 08 Slobro
AD Magnemite ! 36 Magneton ! 40 Farfetch'd ! 46 Doduo
74 Triplebird! 3A Seel ! 78 Dewgong ! 0D Grimer
88 Muk ! 17 Shellder ! 8B Cloyster ! 19 Gastly
93 Haunter ! 0E Gengar ! 22 Onix ! 30 Drowzee
81 Hypno ! 4E Krabby ! 8A Kingler ! 06 Voltorb
8D Electrode ! 0C Exeggcute ! 0A Exeggutor ! 11 Cubone
91 Marowak ! 2B Hitmonlee ! 2C Hitmonchan ! 0B Lickitung
37 Koffing ! 8F Weezing ! 12 Rhyhorn ! 01 Rhydon
28 Chansey ! 1E Tangela ! 02 Kangaskhan ! 5C HorSea
5D SeaDra ! 9D Goldeen ! 9E Seaking ! 1B Staryu
98 Starmie ! 2A Mr. Mime ! 1A Scyther ! 48 Jynx
35 Electabuzz! 33 Magmar ! 1D Pinsir ! 3C Tauros
85 Magikarp ! 16 Gyarados ! 13 Lapras ! 4C Ditto
66 Eevee ! 69 Vaporeon ! 68 Jolteon ! 67 Flareon
AA Porygon ! 62 Omanyte ! 63 Omastar ! 5A Kabuto
5B Kabutops ! AB Aerodactyl! 84 Snorlax ! 4A Articuno
4B Zapdos ! 49 Moltres ! 58 Dratini ! 59 Dragonair
42 Dragonite ! 83 Mewtwo ! 15 Mew
Submitted by poke-master
Catch Any Pokemon just Replace The XX With The Numbers/letters Beside The Pokemon name...

99 Bulbasaur ! 09 Ivysaur ! 9A Venusaur ! B0 Charmander
B2 Charmeleon! B4 Charizard ! B1 Squirtle ! B3 Wartortle
1C Blastoise ! 7B Caterpie ! 7C Metapod ! 7D Butterfree
70 Weedle ! 71 Kakuna ! 72 Beedrill ! 24 Pidgey
96 Pidgeotto ! 97 Pidgeot ! A5 Rattata ! A6 Raticate
05 Spearow ! 23 Frearow ! 6C Ekans ! 2D Arbok
54 Pikachu ! 55 Raichu ! 60 Sandshrew ! 61 Sandslash
0F Nidoran(f)! A8 Nindorina ! 10 NidoQueen ! 03 Nidoran(m)
A7 Nindorino ! 07 NidoKing ! 04 Clefairy ! 8E Clefable
52 Vulpix ! 53 Ninetales ! 64 Jigglypuff ! 65 Wigglytuff
6B Zubat ! 82 Golbat ! B9 Oddish ! BA Gloom
BB Vileplume ! 6D Paras ! 2E Parasect ! 41 Venonat
77 Venomoth ! 3B Diglett ! 76 Dugtrios ! 4D Meowth
90 Persian ! 2F Psyduck ! 80 Goldduck ! 39 Mankey
75 Primeape ! 21 Growlithe ! 14 Arcaninel ! 47 Poliwag
6E Poliwhirl ! 6F Poliwrath ! 94 Abra ! 26 Kadabra
95 Alakazam ! 6A Machop ! 29 Machoke ! 7E Machamp
BC Bellsprou ! BD Weepinbell! BE Victreebell! 18 Tentacool
9B Tentacruel! A9 Geodude ! 27 Graveler ! 31 Golem
A3 Ponyta ! A4 Rapidash ! 25 Slowpoke ! 08 Slobro
AD Magnemite ! 36 Magneton ! 40 Farfetch'd ! 46 Doduo
74 Triplebird! 3A Seel ! 78 Dewgong ! 0D Grimer
88 Muk ! 17 Shellder ! 8B Cloyster ! 19 Gastly
93 Haunter ! 0E Gengar ! 22 Onix ! 30 Drowzee
81 Hypno ! 4E Krabby ! 8A Kingler ! 06 Voltorb
8D Electrode ! 0C Exeggcute ! 0A Exeggutor ! 11 Cubone
91 Marowak ! 2B Hitmonlee ! 2C Hitmonchan ! 0B Lickitung
37 Koffing ! 8F Weezing ! 12 Rhyhorn ! 01 Rhydon
28 Chansey ! 1E Tangela ! 02 Kangaskhan ! 5C HorSea
5D SeaDra ! 9D Goldeen ! 9E Seaking ! 1B Staryu
98 Starmie ! 2A Mr. Mime ! 1A Scyther ! 48 Jynx
35 Electabuzz! 33 Magmar ! 1D Pinsir ! 3C Tauros
85 Magikarp ! 16 Gyarados ! 13 Lapras ! 4C Ditto
66 Eevee ! 69 Vaporeon ! 68 Jolteon ! 67 Flareon
AA Porygon ! 62 Omanyte ! 63 Omastar ! 5A Kabuto
5B Kabutops ! AB Aerodactyl! 84 Snorlax ! 4A Articuno
4B Zapdos ! 49 Moltres ! 58 Dratini ! 59 Dragonair
42 Dragonite ! 83 Mewtwo ! 15 Mew
Submitted by manamanm99
Change the level of the opponet's pokemon in Wild and Trainer battles. Replace xx with the hex value of the level.
Submitted by rveach
Change the time in the game to anything you want it to be. Just replace the xx with the hex value of the time.

NOTE: Keep the minutes below 60 or else it will keep counting up and the hour won't change.
Submitted by rveach
Level (1st Position) 01??8CD1
Level (2nd Position) 01??B8D1
Level (3rd Position) 01??E4D1
Level (4th Position) 01??10D2
Level (5th Position) 01??3CD2
Level (6th Position) 01??68D2
Changes pokemon levels. Their abilities and stats are unaffected. Use this with ability, pokemon, and stat modifiers to beat your friend's level 100 mew with your level 5 magicarp. The best thing about these codes is that the effects are saved with the game so that when you start your game again without Game Shark you'll still have the effects.
Submitted by poke-master
01??64D1 1st pokemon
01??65D1 2nd pokemon
01??66D1 3rd pokemon
01??67D1 4th pokemon
01??68D1 5th pokemon
01??69D1 6th pokemon
Changes which pokemon you have with you.
Fill in the ?? with the numbers from either the catch any pokemon codes with Game Genie or the fight any pokemon or trainer codes for Game Genie.
Submitted by poke-master
Float On Air
Submitted by Bamboo Boy
Get a surfboard.

Put in the code then go to a pokemart and buy a thing called ?????? (this is the surfboard). You can go on water without the surf HM or winning a certain badge. You may also surf down the water of the bike path.
Submitted by Eevee
get infinite of all the tms in ash's pc
Submitted by freak
Infinite Casino Coins
Submitted by Buzz99
Infinite Special Moves for all positions.
Submitted by Bionic Commando
Makes any Pokémon asleep and poisoned.
Submitted by IanCoder
Meet missingo (pokemon #0)in any grassy area. Perfect for using rarecandy trick over and over.
Submitted by beedrill
No Random Battles
Submitted by Bionic Commando
Strange music
Submitted by Atomic
surfing pikachu
Submitted by mouseman
This is a weird item from the Pokemon Mart. It's called NICKNAME? It costs around $9924325 so you'll need the infinte money code. When you buy the item from the Pokemon Mart, you have to stand with your back to the wall you want to go through (the wall can only be one width wide). Go to your items. Go down to the item called NICKNAME? and select it. It will say USE or TOSS. Go to use. Then the screen will switch to your list of pokemon. Press the B button. Exit out of the menu. Ash should have disapeared. Now walk in the dirction of the wall. When you hear the sound of Ash hitting a wall, go to your list of pokemon and press the B button. Now you should be on the other side of the wall. Everything is back to normal.
Submitted by Shadow Of Darkness
Unlimited of the item in the 1st position on your item list
Submitted by pokemaniac
Unlimited of the item in the 2nd position on your item list
Submitted by pokemaniac
Unlimited of the item in the 3rd position on your item list
Submitted by pokemaniac
Unlimited of the item in the 4th position on your item list
Submitted by pokemaniac


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