Character Stats. 7E1***XX replace *** with the numbers listed and XX with whatever you want. The order stats go in is: HP, MP, Vigor, Speed, Stamina, Magic Power. HP and MP take 2 lines each because they can go over 255. |
| Terra 60C-61D Locke 631-642 Cyan 656-667 Shadow 67B-68C Edgar 6A0-6B1 Sabin 6C5-6D6 Celes 6EA-6FB Strago 70F-720 Relm 734-745 Setzer 759-76A Mog 77E-78F Gau 7A3-7B4 Gogo 78C-7D9 Umaro 7ED-7FESubmitted by Chrome Dragon |
Gau's Rages. Replace ** with anything from 2C through 4B. Rages come in groups of 7 except for the final group hich has only 6. |
| 7E1D**FF Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
Get Edgar's chainsaw |
| Go to the relic shop in Zozo. There's a clock which you can reset in the shop. Set the time to read: 6 hours, 10 minutes and 50 seconds. If done correctly the wall on the right side will open to reveal a treasure box. Open it and you will find the chainsaw. Submitted by Jack Emerald |
Magic. 7E1***FF Replace *** with the numbers listed. Spells go attack, status, healing starting with Fire and ending with Life 3. |
| Terra A6E-AA3 Locke AA4-AD9 Cyan ADA-B0F Shadow B10-B45 Edgar B46-B7B Sabin B7C-BB1 Celes BB2-BE7 Strago BE8-C1D Relm C1E-C53 Setzer C54-C89 Mog C8A-CBF Gau CC0-CF5Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
Number of steps taken |
| 7E1866** Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E00FB:FF |  | 255 Magi points earned per battle Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E00FB:FF |  | 255 Magic Points per battle Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E196D:63 |  | 99 of your first item in your item list. usually potion. It is only drained in battle. Submitted by mattimeo |
| 7E1A6C:FF |  | Adds Fenrir, Starlet, and Phoenix to your magicite inventory. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1A6B:FF |  | Adds Kirin, Unicorn, Phantom, Carbunkl, Golom, Zoneseek, Sraphim, and Ragnarok to your magicite inventory. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1A69:FF |  | Adds Rhamu, Siren, Ifrit, Shiva, Maduin, Shoat, Bismark, and Terrato to your magicite inventory. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1A6A:FF |  | Adds Stray, Palidor, Tritoch, Alexandr, Odin, Bahamut, Crusader, and Raiden to your magicite inventory. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1EBA:FF |  | All 4 kinds of Fish and some other things are added to rare items. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| E8D313:3F 60D01E:3F 18D111:3F |  | Another one that will mess up the battle screen, but will give you 99,999 GP for winning the battle. Like the one that provides 9 MP, this one may cause glitches in towns as well. Switch on immediately after a battle begins and switch off afterwards to avoid problems. Submitted by Serge-EGR |
| 7E16E6:63 |  | Celes at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E163C:06 |  | Changes LOCKE's Steal into Capture Submitted by Ghertz |
| 7E1618:17 |  | Changes TERRA's Magic to X Magic Submitted by Ghertz |
| 7E3C08:F0 |  | Character 1 has infinite MP in battle Submitted by jimthegnome |
| 7E3BF5:90 |  | Character 1 is invincible Submitted by jimthegnome |
| 7E1652:63 |  | Cyan at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E7B82:E6 |  | Cyan's SwdTech counter is instantly set to Cleave Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E7B82:10 |  | Cyan's SwdTech counter is instantly set to Dispach Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E7B82:9F |  | Cyan's SwdTech counter is instantly set to Empower Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E7B82:70 |  | Cyan's SwdTech counter is instantly set to Quadra Salm Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E7B82:C6 |  | Cyan's SwdTech counter is instantly set to Quadra Slice. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E7B82:30 |  | Cyan's SwdTech counter is instantly set to Retort Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E7B82:50 |  | Cyan's SwdTech counter is instantly set to Slash Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E7B82:AA |  | Cyan's SwdTech counter is instantly set to Stunner Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E169C:63 |  | Edgar at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E1EDE:FF 7E1EDF:FF |  | Enable All Characters Submitted by ventureman |
| 7F1FD0:1B |  | Enough coral to pass the talking treasure box Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| C2DF25:CC C2DF28:CC C2DF2C:CC C2DF2D:03 C39DAE:CC |  | Find strong items and weapons in the early or later stages of the game. It also allows you to duplicate items and weapons. Use an item or weapon and its supply increases by 24. Submitted by WolfCloud2 |
| 7E7B8F:01 7E7B90:01 7E7B91:01 |  | Freeze Setzer's slots on 777 and get Joker Doom every time. Kill even the invincible Guardian with this attack. (May cause graphics to look buggy) Submitted by dark_lord_zagato |
| 7E179F:63 |  | Gau at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| C2DDE8:CC |  | Get approximately 5.2 million XP Submitted by Elmdor |
| C2DF2C:CC |  | Get random items after battle. Can get Illuminas at start of the game! Submitted by kami_amaya |
| 7E1D4B:7F |  | Get the Io Rage for Gau, and 6 others at the bottom of the list. Submitted by fatcatfan |
| 7E1CF7:FF |  | Gives Cyan all his SwdTechs Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1D4C:FF |  | Gives Mog all of his Dances Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1D28:FF |  | Gives Sabin all of his Blitz's Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1D29:FF 7E1D2A:FF 7E1D2B:FF |  | Gives Strago all of His Lores Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1AA3:FF |  | Gives Terra Life 3. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1A99:FF |  | Gives Terra Quick. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E1A82:FF |  | Gives Terra Ultima. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E186A:67 |  | Gives you Paladin Sheild (If you play around with the last two digits you'll get different stuff. The third last digit can change the slot where you want, its not on the second slot). Submitted by Mike007 |
| 7E1D34:FF |  | Gives you the Chupon Rage for Gau, and 7 others. Submitted by fatcatfan |
| 7E1D32:FF |  | Gives you the Siegfreid Rage for Gau, and 7 others. Don't turn it on until you've loaded your save file. You may also need Gau in your party. This works without all the glitchiness of similar codes. Submitted by fatcatfan |
| 7E17C4:63 |  | Gogo at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| C28F93:FF |  | HPS/MPS becomes 9999/999! Submitted by Locke 70667 |
| C2E050:FF |  | Learn all spells of an equipped esper Submitted by sabin figaro |
| 7E180E:63 |  | Leo/Banon/Wedge at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| C2DDE8:63 |  | Level up to level 99 in a single battle!!! Submitted by wally |
| 7E162D:63 |  | Locke at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 14E180:3F BCE184:3F |  | Locke has 9999 Max HP Submitted by Serge-EGR |
| 54C241:3F |  | Messes up the battle screen, but it's still usable. After the battle is won, you get 9 Magic Points. Submitted by Serge-EGR |
| 7E177A:63 |  | Mog at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| C39DB3:EA |  | Most items can be used infinitely (NOT IN BATTLE MODE; SWITCH OFF TO EXIT MENU SCREEN) Submitted by damage |
| C39DB3:EA |  | Most items can be used infinitely--NOT IN BATTLE MODE--SWITCH OFF TO EXIT MENU SCREEN Submitted by Locke 70667 |
| C39DB3:EA |  | Most items can be used infinitely--NOT IN BATTLE MODE--SWITCH OFF TO EXIT MENU SCREEN. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E1FA1:00 |  | No Random Battles Submitted by ventureman |
| C0CE2E:00 |  | Party always has sprint shoes. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E1730:63 |  | Relm at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E16C1:63 |  | Sabin at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E0201:80 |  | Save Anywhere Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E1755:63 |  | Setzer at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E1677:63 |  | Shadow at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E11DF:22 |  | Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm Effects always ON Submitted by ventureman |
| EDFCAF:1C |  | Start Terra with Atma equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCAF:0E |  | Start Terra with Blizzard equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB1:7A |  | Start Terra with Circlet equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E1621:7E |  | Start Terra with Crystal Helm Submitted by kimrober |
| 7E1622:98 |  | Start Terra with Crystal Mail Submitted by kimrober |
| EDFCAF:13 |  | Start Terra with Enhancer equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E1620:10 |  | Start Terra with Epee Submitted by kimrober |
| EDFCAF:18 |  | Start terra with exalibur equiped. Only works with new game. Submitted by Locke 70667 |
| 7E161F:18 |  | Start Terra with Excalibur Submitted by kimrober |
| EDFCAF:18 |  | Start Terra with Excalibur equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E1624:E4 |  | Start Terra with Exp EGG Submitted by kimrober |
| EDFCB0:60 |  | Start Terra with Fire shield equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB2:94 |  | Start Terra with Force armor equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB2:94 |  | Start Terra with Force armor equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB2:9A |  | Start Terra with Genji armor equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E1623:D1 |  | Start Terra with Genji Glove Submitted by kimrober |
| EDFCB0:5D |  | Start Terra with Gold shield equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB1:6A |  | Start Terra with Hairband equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB0:61 |  | Start Terra with Ice shield equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCAF:1A |  | Start Terra with Illumina equipped Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB1:69 |  | Start Terra with Leather hat equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB0:5C |  | Start Terra with Mithril shield equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB2:89 |  | Start Terra with Mithril vest equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB1:79 |  | Start Terra with Mystery veil equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB1:78 |  | Start Terra with Red cap equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB2:88 |  | Start Terra with Silk robe equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| EDFCB2:8B |  | Start Terra with White dress equipped. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E170B:63 |  | Strago at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 00EC9E:FF |  | Strange (but true!) battle effects. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E1608:63 |  | Terra at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E161D:FF |  | Terra does huge magic damage. Sets Terras Magic Power to 255. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7CE08C:3F 18E183:3F |  | Terra has 999 Max MP Submitted by Serge-EGR |
| 7E3F31:FF |  | Terra's Morph bar never runs out Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E118A:30 |  | TimeFreeze. time limit clocks count off the same few seconds over and over. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| D8EB44:F0 |  | Tonic gives 240 HP. Submitted by mio_cid |
| 7E17E9:63 |  | Umaro at Level 99 Submitted by ventureman |
| C39DB3:1A |  | Use an item, get one. Must have two of that item, not in battle. Submitted by kami_amaya |
| C0D048:CC |  | Walk through walls Submitted by kami_amaya |
| C0C63E:30 |  | You can save anywhere. The only catch is that you have to keep the game genie turned off. Then when you reach where you want to save, turn on the GG, go into the menu and save. Then before you exit the menu, turn the GG off. Submitted by gedowski |
| 7E186A:1A |  | You get the Illumina Sword. Submitted by Mike007 |
Pro Action Replay codes |
| 7E007401 7E007801 |  | Camera horizontal scroll control Submitted by Chrome Dragon |