Belome Temple Key |
| Go to the house in Monstro Town with the Thwomp in it. Talk to him about 10 times. Notice that each time he jumps, a vibration occurs. This will shake the key from the ledge above the door outside. Take this key to Belome Temple and give it to the Belome that is in front of the room filled with goodies. He will then move, giving you access to many useful items. Submitted by Zorakid |
Do More damage to enemies |
| First of all, put Geno in your party. Next, he has to learn Geno Whirl. When he does, get into a battle. Have him use Geno Whirl, and as SOON as the "ring" goes off of the screen, press Y. If done correctly, there will be an explosion sound and the attack will have done a whopping 9,999 damage!!! NOTE: this code does not work on bosses or boss-like enemies like Jinx or the treasure-chest monsters. Submitted by STARCRAFT |
Fight Culex |
| Go to Moleville and buy some Fireworks, give the Fireworks to the litlle girl hidden in some boxes and she will bring a Shining Stone, now go to Monstro Town and go to the locked door, use the action button and the door will open, accept the challenge of Culex and if you win, you will obtain a super accesory. Submitted by unknow |
Free Cash |
| Go to Land's End and find the Desert. Now find a Shogun (thing in the whirlpool) and start jumping on it. You will get 10 coins for each time you hit it's head. If you do this 3 times with out touching the ground you'll get a frog coin. Submitted by PikaPika |
Get Free Frog Coins |
| Go to Land's End and go to Sargeant Flutter and if you make it up the cliff under 12 seconds you get 1 frog coin and if you make it up the cliff under 11 seconds you get 5 frog coins Submitted by Squall~2000 |
get the star egg |
| go to great guy casino and play great guys game look the other way and win 100 times (not in a row)he will give you a star egg that does 100 damage to all enemies.IF YOU LEAVE THE CASINO BEFOR YOU DO IT 100 TIMES YOU HAVE TO RESTART Submitted by swifty |
Item grid hack |
| Weapons 7EFA9C** 05 Hammer 06 Froggie Stick 07 Nok Nok Shel 08 Punch Glove 09 Finger Shot 10 Whomp Glove 11 Slap Glove 12 Troopa Shell 13 Parasol 14 Hurly Gloves 15 Dobule Punch 16 Ribbit Stick 17 Spiked Link 18 Mega Glove 19 War Fan 20 Sonic Cymbal 21 Lazy Shell 22 Frying Pan 23 Hammer 0A Cymblas 0B Chomp 0C Masher 0D Chomp Shell 0E Super Hammer 0F Hand Gun 1A Hand Cannon 1B Sticky Glove 1C Ultra Hammer 1D Super Slap 1E Drill Claw 1F Star Gun
Armor 7EFA9D** 25 Shirt 26 Pants 27 Thick Shirt 28 Thick Pants 29 Mega Shirt 30 Happy Shell 31 Polka Dress 32 Sailor Shirt 33 Sailor Pants 34 Sailor Cape 35 Nautica Dress 36 Courage Shell 37 Fuzzy Shirt 38 Fuzzy Pants 39 Fuzzy Cape 40 Hero Shirt 41 Prince Pants 42 Star Cape 43 Heal Shell 44 Royal Dress 45 Super Suit 46 Lazy Shell 2A Mega Pants 2B Work Pants 2C Mega Cape 2D Happy Shirt 2E Happy Pants 2F Happy Cape 3B Fire Shirt 3C Fire Pants 3D Fire Cape 3E Fire Shell 3F Fire Dress
Accessories 7EFA9E** 50 EXP. Booster 51 Attack Scarf 52 Rare Scarf 53 B'tub Ring 54 Antidote Pin 55 Wake Up Pin 56 Fearless Pin 57 Trueform Pin 58 Coin Trick 59 Ghost Medal 4A Zoom Shoes 4B Safety Badge 4C Jump Shoes 4D Safety Ring 4E Amluet 4F Scrooge Ring 5A Jinx Belt 5B Feather 5C Troopa Pin 5D Signal Ring 5E Quartz CharmSubmitted by Chrome Dragon |
The 24/7 Invisible helper. |
| Go to the mushroom kingdom. Go to the house to the left when you first enter. Go to the corner of the nearest to the castle. Then press a. Submitted by Lord of the Orb |
| C2BB68:F0 C2BB6B:F4 C2BB6C:01 |  | 500 Exp After Battle Submitted by ventureman |
| C2BB68:F0 C2BB6B:E7 C2BB6C:03 |  | 900 Exp After Battle Submitted by ventureman |
| C2DF93:A9 C2DF94:E7 C2DF95:03 C2DF96:EA |  | 999 Hp On Level Up Submitted by ventureman |
| C2BB68:F0 C2BB6B:0F C2BB6C:27 |  | 9999 Exp After Battle Submitted by ventureman |
| 7FF8B3:E7 7FF8B4:03 |  | Always Have 999 Frog Coins Submitted by ventureman |
| 7FF8AF:E7 7FF8B0:03 |  | Always Have 999 Regular Coins Submitted by ventureman |
| 7E0702:00 |  | Always Mario's Turn Submitted by ventureman |
| C2CBEE:1A |  | Automatic Super Jumps (Perform 100 consecutive super jumps without pressing any buttons) Submitted by ventureman |
| C2CC5A:1A |  | Automatic Ultra Jumps (Perform 100 consecutive ultra jumps without pressing any buttons) Submitted by ventureman |
| C2BB71:EA C2BB72:EA |  | Coins After Battle Mod (MUST be used with the Exp Mod codes to work, otherwise it will give you the same amount of coins as Exp you would earn in a normal fight) Submitted by ventureman |
| C2CF7C:80 C2CF9A:00 |  | Geno Whirl Always Kills (This makes the Geno Whirl always fatal to enemies. It also makes it fatal to bosses) Submitted by ventureman |
| 7EFB11:C8 |  | Immortality for 2nd position Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7EFA91:C8 |  | Immortality for 3rd position Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7EFB91:C8 |  | Immortality for Mario Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| C9FB52:FE |  | Inch Through Walls Horizontally Submitted by ventureman |
| C9FB6B:FD |  | Inch Through Walls Vertically Submitted by ventureman |
| 7FF8AF:E7 7FF8B0:03 |  | Infinite Coins *Note coins still go down when shopping but you can always back up and shop again for more items!Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 7EF8B1:63 7FD8B1:63 |  | Infinite FP Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 7FF8B3:63 7FF8B4:00 |  | Infinite Frog Coins *Note if you go more than 99 the number will glitch since you can only get a max of 99 at any given timeSubmitted by supersonicjc |
| 7FF8B3:E7 7FF8B4:03 |  | Infinite Frog Coins Submitted by ventureman |
| 7EFA91:FF 7EFA92:00 7EFB11:FF 7EFB12:00 7EFB91:FF 7EFB92:00 |  | Infinite HP *Note Codes are for all 3 in Battle PlayersSubmitted by supersonicjc |
| C2ACF2:00 |  | Infinite Super/Ultra Jumps (This code breaks the 100 jump limit; pair/group with automatic super/ultra jump, turn off codes at some point or other or the jumps will never stop) Submitted by ventureman |
| 7FF8B3:FF |  | Lots of Frog coins. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| E08930:3F |  | Magikoopa's Magic Treasure Chest Gives 10 Coins Each Hit Submitted by ventureman |
| E08930:70 E08931:08 |  | Magikoopa's Magic Treasure Chest Gives Flowers Submitted by ventureman |
| E08930:7E E08931:08 |  | Magikoopa's Magic Treasure Chest Gives Frog Coins Submitted by ventureman |
| FA80DC:03 |  | Mario starts a new game with 768 coins Submitted by ventureman |
| FA80E0:03 |  | Mario starts a new game with 768 frog coins Submitted by ventureman |
| C2DFD1:00 |  | Max Attack On Level Up Submitted by ventureman |
| C2DFFB:00 |  | Max Defense On Level Up Submitted by ventureman |
| 7EFA0D:63 |  | Max Flower Points Submitted by ventureman |
| C2E027:00 |  | Max Magic Attack On Level Up Submitted by ventureman |
| C2E051:00 |  | Max Magic Defense On Level Up Submitted by ventureman |
| C2CC9C:3C |  | Play Culex Victory Music (Final Fantasy) Instead of Standard Victory Music Submitted by ventureman |
| 7EFA0C:5A |  | Umlimtied MP, flower power in battle Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7FF8B1:60 |  | Umlimtied MP, flower power outside of battle Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E0257:02 |  | Unlimited invinciblity from a star. This code is JUST for fun! Do not use it seriously because it never shuts off. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |